Thy Kingdom Ministry

Jesus instructs us to be filled with the kingdom of God. This comes through a passion for His presence and a hunger for greater intimacy with Him.

His Kingdom in us brings us into oneness with Him

This Ministry has been involved in the prophetic for over 30 years and has witnessed the end-time move of Gods Spirit in the body of Christ worldwide. It offers a voice to believers who wish to gain a better understanding of what the Spirit is saying to the Body of Christ.

In this hour many believers are experiencing an almost overwhelming yearning for a greater presence of Jesus in their life. They are desirous of greater intimacy in relationship and their heart is crying out to their Father for an open heaven so that they can see His glory in their own life, family and church.

Those in possession of this spiritual passion are motivated to seek and possess the fullness of God. This passion facilitates the Kingdom of God to grow in the believer so that like the early church the believer will be used to demonstrate the Spirit and the power to a lost world.

The apostle Paul illustrated this principle when he declared that he came not with persuasive words but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Cor, 2:4).

Thy Kingdom Ministry

Bimonthly Articles

These articles are to encourage believers in the fulfillment of this word.

Spirit of Elijah Ministry

Spirit of Elijah Ministry

In these latter days as darkness covers the earth, Jesus promised that the spirit of Elijah would return (Mark 9:2) to proclaim God’s truth and to prompt repentance by demonstrating God’s power on the earth. Jesus knew that by the end of the age, the church would need...

Darkness before Dawn

Darkness before Dawn

As the day of the Lord approaches, the Lord is judging the nations while also turning His attention to His house. The prophet Amos describes this as a “time of darkness” as evil spirits seek to exert their influence on the churches as well as the whole earth....

Come thou and Dwell in My Heart

Come thou and Dwell in My Heart

Those who abide in the secret chamber of the heart of Jesus are being anointed to minister to this generation.  Just as a coin has two sides so does the character of Jesus, firstly in His humanity as the “Son of Man” and secondly in His divinity as the “Son of God”....

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